Monday 20 February 2017


I started sketching out lots of different ideas but i had a strong feeling from the start I wanted  to have a map made out of text so I think I'am going to push ahead with this and create something similer to my last drawing

Sunday 12 February 2017


Now it is time to turn my survey results into simple value types that are easy to practice through our project.

The word I chose is stimulation  the words that go with it are excitement, novelty, change, daring, excited, challenging, exhilarated, moved, enthusiastic, varied, creative, imaginative, original, unconventional.

My final statement is. I'am going to explore the world by being daring

I also decided upon my body text

My dream is to see the world and experience as many culture as possibly. Travelling is a powerful aid to education. It provides an experience of the world. By travelling we come in connecting people of different caste, colour, creed and community to get familiarity with their tradition, culture, customs, has costumes and their style of living. This helps in the better our understanding of the world. It sharpens our intellect and broaden us our outlook/ horizons. Travelling offers us the first hand knowledge of the world. It helps us shed off all our prejudices. It develops our person and our communication skills. It offers much more than mere bookish knowledge to the development of all around personality. It gives  us the reticle knowledge. We get only the sketchy picture of which is not complete. By travelling we see people, places with our own eyes. Visual impression is this impression. It remains in our
mind for a long time. Objects like history, geography and social sciences can better through travelling, it provides us first-hand knowledge about these things. Geography appears to be a dull and uninteresting subject if it is taught in the classroom. But when the Merits are taken to a trip to the Himalayan regions or Gangetic plains the learning becomes interesting. Travelling turns this boring subject into a lively and absorbing one. When you apply this to other subjects such as language art and literature it tends to have a similar effect.  It makes the world and life a much more interesting place. Travelling also helps when it comes to being more understanding and accepting of other cultures needs, beliefs and way life and can help lead to a better stronger more understanding world.  It creates goodwill. It brings people closer. Deepens our relations with various states and countries. So it is an undertaking which I believe we should all aim to achieve

Here is a mind map I made during this process

Thursday 9 February 2017

Value Survey

During week 2 I filled out my value survey. This helped give me direction. It gave me an idea of what motivates me and what drives me in life. I found theses quite interesting.

As you can see I scored quite highly on stimulation and hedonism. I would definitely agree with this as I'am quite easy distracted by outside stimulation

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Baseline Grids

For week one we set up our baseline grids. We revised what we learned in previous semesters. It was good to revise this as I can honestly say I had completely forgotten how to do this.
Any way here is what I managed to create